Tonight, HBO launches the premier documentary Say Her Name: The Life and Death of Sandra Bland.
Join AAPF (@AAPolicyForum) on Twitter at 10:00PM Eastern Standard Time tonight for a Twitter Town Hall on the many dimensions of the Say Her Name movement, and ongoing efforts to draw attention to police violence against Black women, girls and femmes.
Tweet at us! | @AAPolicyForum Hashtags | #SayHerName #SayHerNameSandraBland
Since the launch of the inaugural report in 2015, Say Her Name: Resisting Police Brutality Against Black Women, the #SayHerName campaign has expanded and increased its focus on direct advocacy.
As we learned in November 2016 and March 2018 during AAPF’s annual #SayHerName Mothers Weekends, numerous mothers and family members across the country continue to lead lives dedicated to demanding justice for their daughters lost at the hands of police.
These families are still in need of our collective rage and attention. Learn more about the many faces of #SayHerName tonight and join us in ongoing efforts to lift up the voices of those advancing a gender-inclusive narrative in the movement for Black lives.